Next up, a picture of my lazy gamer son RJ as he relaxes in the bean bag, Wii remote glued to his hand, under a cutie Valentine quilt..pattern by Sharon Springer, if I recall. I tested it for her a few years ago when she was writing the is great, even though there are y-seams (don't run screaming, it is OK)! I'll look for it and post the name later...
And finally, my Mom sent me a picture of the quilt I made for her after her Mom passed away. Grandma Lossing's favorite color was the quilt is similar to those in her house...ala 1950! The pattern is called Box of Chocolates...available at The Christmas Goose in Las Vegas, NV. I've used this pattern several times (also for Rebecca's Syracuse quilt) and it is a dream to make...though a little bit tedious to cut out. Very nicely done...and made in two months (quilting included!!)...
Well, I'm off to make the backing and baste the Sierpinski Nightmare, as it will now be called....I'll let you know how it goes. I'm opting for mono thread and stitch in the ditch....LOL, we'll see!