Because she traveled so far, and she was a model used to train other longarmers, she needed a bit of a clean up. It is recommended that I use rubbing alcohol on a rag to clean the rails. Because I didn't have any, I opted to use some Everclear that I had hanging out in the liquor cabinet. Ever since I decided to keep my liver intact, Everclear has been on the "no-no" list....LOL. But Alli appreciated the cleanup....and damn that junk is amazing. There were a few rough spots on the rails but my Dad sanded them with some fine sandpaper and they are smooth as a baby's bottom now.
We messed around with the machine the night it got set are some junky scribbles. It has been a long while since I quilted anything so I'll load on a practice piece tomorrow and try to get a bit better. I have plans to quilt a wall quilt later this week and I'd like it to not look like total garbage...Oh yeah, Ryan quilted on this a bit as well!! ;-)
I'll post more pics this week since we are on Spring Break for the next nine days!! How fantastic is that!! Happy quilting.... Oh yeah, I might post up how I did the binary code zeros and ones if anyone is well as a link to the binary code converter I found online. Seems like there are lots of other quilters with nerds in their family who would appreciate the geekiness of binary code!! LOL
;-) Have an awesome weekend!