Have you ever seen a Footbike? It is a cross between a scooter and a bike....very cool! We all own one and love to take them out in the spring and fall....
They are great exercise....it takes a lot to push an adult around on one of these things! And there is never any time to sit...darn it! People always stare at us and point because I guess we look sort of funny...or way too cool...hard to determine. LOL. These pics were taken last May (currently all the flowers in the yard have been cut back for the winter--you wouldn't want a winter picture of a house in LV). Footbiking is good for people who would like to run, but can't....possibly due to knee injuries, or just old age. The Footbikes have brakes for the front and rear on the handles--and all the parts can be fixed/adjusted at your local bike shop. ;-) This will part of our Sunday...
I'll post the giveaway winner later tonight. Get some quilting done!!!
Okay *that* is cool! Am going to look for that in Canada because using my 6 yrs old's scooter is super not cool!