Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Name Quilt...

Well, it has been very busy here at my house lately so there has been little quilting.  But last weekend I got the chance to make a name quilt for my co-teacher.  She is from Hawaii so I tried to incorporate wavy quilting in the background, and some raw edged applique in her favorite color, purple.  The background is Kona Ash.....It is an end of the year gift for her....

Anyhow, that is all that has happened around here the last few weeks.  Summer is coming soon so maybe I'll get busy and make some new stuff!  :-D  16 days left (teaching 8th graders isn't much fun right now....LOL)!


  1. I looks very tropical! Lucky you to have a whole summer to fill up with projects! (not so lucky about the 8th graders, though...)

  2. It's wonderful. I bet she's thrilled with it.


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