Saturday, October 16, 2010

Purple and Aqua wonky quad quilt...

OK, they aren't actually wonky squares so I'm calling them wonky quadrilaterals (random four sided figures).  I've been secretly forcing myself to sew each night and guess what?  I'm almost done.  Check it out....

It is on the floor, awaiting the massive pinning this will happen tonight.  ;-D  My goal is to have the top completed this weekend (or week), then piece the backing, and send it off to the quilter!!  Yeah!  It might be done by Christmas...or maybe Valentine's Day???  LOL....


  1. Love this quilt! Purple is my favorite color.

  2. Cute quilt, the colors are great!!!

  3. Oh I have to comment on this one on the sly, for if a certain someone sees it I'll be making one too.


It is great to hear from you... I had to eliminate anonymous comments due to spamming....sorry!