Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Denise's Madrona Road Challenge Quilt....

This one was made by my friend Denise for the Madrona Road Challenge at the LVMQG.  It measures about 40" x 54".  Here are a couple of pics....the panto is Daisies Galore...very modern design, I believe...
;-)  Nice job, Denise!

Because it was 40" wide, Denise asked it I could possibly quilt it with only 1" extra backing on each side.  Sure I can...this is how I do it!  I'm showing you the extra sure the quilt is loaded perpendicular to the rollers so it doesn't go wonky.  There isn't much room for error...

I have two strips of muslin, about 4" x 36" that I pin to the sides of the backing fabric.....Whose old lady hand is that???  WTF???

Pin close together....I mean, very close together....

If you do it right, you will be able to put on the clamps and pull the fabric taut without a problem.  As you advance the quilt, unpin the muslin and move it down for the next quilting pass.  It takes an extra minute or two, but it isn't a big deal.  Now we have no seam in the back and we saved a bunch of fabric!!

I'm working on a few projects right now.  I'll post up more tomorrow...
Happy Quilting!


  1. Wow! Gorgeous quilting! I love the Daisy design! I checked your panto file and you have some beautiful designs :)

  2. Beautiful quilt and lovely quilting.

  3. Nice quilt for that challenge. That's a change from your swirls. I like it. Interesting about the sides and the savings on fabric.

  4. The quilt looks great and I really like the daisies. I might try a version free motion and see how it turns out.

    Waiting for challenge reveal photos. I hope someone had a camera!

    Good on you for taking the trouble to save the extra fabric!


It is great to hear from you... I had to eliminate anonymous comments due to spamming....sorry!