Ryan thought that Buddy (the dog) needed a smaller quilt to cuddle under on the couch. He thought that UNLV Runnin' Rebel colors would be appropriate--red, black and gray. I grabbed a few shirts and went to town....it only measures 36" x 45". Here is Buddy--he only weighs about 11 pounds...
Overall shot...bound in Kona Pepper...
Up close shot...this will be my "go to" quilting for all log cabins with 1.5" or wider strips...easy peasy!
Binding has been top priority the last two days. And watching Hell on Wheels season 2. Off to watch a little Honey Boo Boo (better than I expected--I love the crazy family!). Happy Quilting!
Buddy's quilt is wonderful. Every animal needs their own quilt. I'm lovin your plaids more and more! Perfect go to quilting for log cabins.